Help Keep Equestrian Sport in Maryland

Join in supporting and preserving grass roots to top level equestrian competitions at one of the premier equestrian venues in Maryland.

Your donations allow us to:

  • Improve competition features such as our cross-country tracks, footing for the rings, jumps, and facilities

  • Ensure competitors, volunteer, and spectators have an ideal and safe competition environment

  • Promote access to riders from diverse backgrounds

  • Support local youth organizations and charities

  • Provide educational mounted and unmounted activities and seminars

  • Help land preservation in the Sugarloaf Mountain area of Maryland

We greatly appreciate and thank our generous donors and sponsors.

Support the International Travel Grant Program to Assist International Riders to Compete at the Mars Maryland 5*

The Maryland International Equestrian Foundation is proud to announce the 2025 International Travel Grant Program for the MARS Maryland 5 Star at Fair Hill presented by Brown Advisory. 

Developed in partnership with Carolyn Mackintosh and her team at Loch Moy Farm, the intention of this travel grant program is to assist with bringing the world’s best horses and riders to Maryland to compete in the MARS Maryland 5 Star at Fair Hill presented by Brown Advisory, one of only seven CCI5* events in the world. Bringing elite, international-level athletes to Maryland benefits the Maryland Horse Industry, and the growth and development of the equestrian community at all levels in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Fundraising for the 2025 International Travel Grant has started with the goal of bringing both US and foreign athletes alike to the Maryland 5 Star, affording our American athletes the opportunity to compete against some of the best in the world without having to leave North America. This is a huge benefit to the US high performance equestrian programs and the sport of eventing in North America. 

Funds will be allocated by application only and will be used to directly offset the cost of travel. Applications will be reviewed and funds allocated no later than 30 days prior to the event. 

Donors to the International Travel Grant Program will be given opportunities for course walks and educational opportunities with grant recipients (schedule dependent). Grant recipients are expected to promote the Maryland Equestrian Industry and related activities and events. 

Please make checks payable to: Maryland International Equestrian Foundation “MIEF”Send to: 1235 Park Mills Rd, Adamstown, MD 21710


Volunteering is a fun and rewarding way to get involved with horse sports! No experience is required for most volunteer positions.

Spend your day in a beautiful setting watching amazing animals and excellent horsemanship! Our volunteers are honored and appreciated!